This is the story of Danielle Walker who is blessed with Quantum class abilities and the desire to use those abilities to help others. Known as "Dani" to her friends, "Star" to her team, and "American Star" in the propaganda she begins her journey to find her place in the dangerous world of Supernormals. Dani will need the help of her friends, mentors, and her team to survive government machinations, corporate espionage, and betrayal. If she can survive, she may just end up becoming one of the world's greatest heroes. (UPDATES MONTHLY) Cover by Areeya18 *Please note this story is being posted in its raw form and has not been professionally edited. * Authors Note: The prologue is the oldest existing part of the story, surviving a couple of rewrites and restarts. Its tone and style are a bit different from the other chapters and it will probably be reworked down the line.All Rights Reserved