I lay against a tree in the woods, All alone. Still hearing the same words that my dad told my mom, four years ago when I was eight years old. "We can't let them take him!"My mom yelled at my dad one night, when I was standing by the wall,eve's dropping. "We don't have a choice! If we don't let them take him then they will take all of us to the box!"My dad yelled to my mom, I was terrified! somebody was going to take me to the box! "Don't you care about him!"My mom sounded shocked. "I do, but I care more about you and me surviving!"He said. I was horrified, and with that I scrambled to my closet grabbed a shirt, jeans, and my thickest jacket. I grab a bag that was laying on the floor and stuff the things in their. I opened the door a Crack and bolted out the doors. "Max! Come back!"My mom yelled to me, but I kept running farther away from our little house into the woods. Tears stream down my eyes, as I think of the memory. "Their you are punk!"A deep voice bellowed. I jumped up.