Elias Novachrono was born into a prestigious family. He was the son of the Wizard King, Julius Novachrono and the captain of the coral peacocks, Dorothy Novochrono (Don't judge Ik it's wack af but I wanted to). When he was 5 years old, he was kidnapped. It's was terrifying for the little boy, and he didn't know what to do! Out of pure fear, Elias accidentally casted his first spell, which teleported him into the middle of a field. He could only remember a tattooed face with long golden locks... Elias's magic was something to be feared. It was an unbelievable dual affinity for both spatial magic and time magic, and it was dubbed twisted magic. With him unaware of his surroundings, he wandered around, coming across a village, where he met Asta, Yuno, Father Orsi, and Sister Lily. Unable to go home, he stayed with them, and prayed for his parents to find him. As time went on, Elias would miss his parents more and more, losing more and more hope, and the resentment he felt for the kidnappers, plus the sadness he experienced, would consume him. When he went to Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony, he was presented with a grimoire that emanated power like a beacon. When he looked closer, he could see it clearly. A 5 leaf leafed clover . He didn't know what it meant then, but soon he would learn that he was possessed by Satan himself...
7 parts