In a world where harmony once reigned, darkness rises to challenge the light. Yurima, a boy with aspirations of godhood, unwittingly allies with the malevolent demon, Lucifer. Faced with an impending apocalypse, Yurima forms the Guardian Core, a team of heroes with unique powers. Together, they must wield the legendary Blade of Will and stop Lucifer's vengeful heir, Lord Dralius, from unleashing eternal darkness. Brace yourself for an epic tale of courage, redemption, and the unyielding power of hope in "The Origin of Dralius and the Guardian Core: The Shadows of Dralius."
Saving the life of the infamous rookie pirate, Captain Ruben Kirk, catapults Jessica Red into a sea of magic, jewel heists, and world-saving adventure.
After years of watching pirates fighting with the king's navy off the coast of Harvest Island, Jessica Red saves the life of the infamous rookie pirate, Captain Ruben Kirk, and the two become fast friends. Little does she know, Ruben Kirk is only the first of three rookie pirates she'll meet during a whirlwind of sea-faring adventures - but when Jessica learns the corrupt King Mordred has plans to destroy her island home, can she convince them to help her save it?
("The Rookie Pirates" is Book 1 in "The Adventures of Jessica Red" trilogy.)
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