WARNING THIS BOOK CONTAINS VIOLENCE AND MILD SEXUAL CONTENT READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Winter Davenport has had a hard life from the age of sixteen. her best friend committed suicide, and winter was the one to find her. After her death winter found herself turning to alcohol and crime to forget the girl she once was because if that girl doesn't exist neither dies the girl she lost. Her boyfriend of two years found her just after she turned nineteen in a bar drinking herself into a pit of nothing. he took her i and promised her the world and no more fears. now winter is twenty one and he gave her everything he promised but he also gives her bruises and mental scars. Winter doesnt know what to do anymore when she finds out she is pregnant can she put her child in danger so she can stay with the man that once loved everything about her or does she leave and try all over again. sorry i suck at descriptionsTodos os Direitos Reservados
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