"Blast! Forget your mom speech and elope with me." He snarled, tugging my wrist onto elsewhere. I jerked him, straighten on wobbling feet. Plestered alloy look of petrified, angered, and overwhelmed. I merely unrecognized a fellow that I loved entire times. "What!? It means I amass sins by neglecting parent's said Khalid! You must have known that." Grunted loudly . "Wow, we smoked, supplying drugs, clubbing, drank booze, and tonight you preached me for heaven's sake!? Hidayah given to unfathomable persons, but of course not you, Atikah." My tears welled up, I snort while putting on scarf back. I gotten closer, fanning his rage face with heat breath. "I fear the chastisement of my God and obey Him embark this second despite you believe it or not." -----