I look at her eyes, it says 'hope'. - She was this miserable and worthless image type of person. But the first time that I saw her. I saw something that I can't even express or make into words. I look at her nose, it says 'mesmerizing'. -It was like I was compelled to look at her as much as I can't hold back myself and fall in love like I was drowning myself into her soul. I look at her 'lips'. -The feeling was like, tempting me to take her nakedly. Pleases her with love and pleasure. It was setting my body on fire and my sexual drive is risen up. That is the effect of her lips on me. That was her face was telling me all about. To find how her whole self, soul, and she itself gives so much definition and make my life meaningful even more. Watch out on how my journey turned upside down with my.. Sonnets.. That express what and how much she meant for me.