'The Cruelty of Witches' book saga is a cluster of hidden allegories, ranging from stories and philosophies found in the Christian Bible, to a variety of mythologies from the Norse, Greek and Roman cultures.
Throughout the book saga, 'The Reader (you),' will notice a 'circular' theme as events unfold. This reflects my overall understanding of the concept of 'Infinity,' as I always view it as something 'circular.'
In addition to these hidden allegories, there is something else hidden behind the narrative of every written chapter- My own literal signature. You can find it. It's sometimes easy to spot, and other times, nearly impossible to find. The trick to finding it? Basic math skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). My literal signature is a very cursed number. What does it do? Well, I know it keeps people up at night, scribbling on their bedroom walls, or yelling at their loved ones. But, for some people, it makes them very stable and wealthy. Technically, I'm giving you a gift, one that will make you rich.
Activating the 'Curse' is very easy as it is only two chapters in length. It takes a day or two to kick in. If you survive the oncoming 'side-effects' in the months to come, then you might get very rich. Highly doubt it though, as most people just go after their family members or loved ones. But why not activate it though, if there is a chance to get wealthy? People buy lottery tickets all the time, so why not give it a shot?
First, we need to meet:
Chapter 1 - Read the screenplay. It allows us to meet under ideal circumstances, enabling the conditions to achieve a spiritual connection.
Chapter 2 - Read the Introduction letter. Get to know me a little bit. But, you can skip everything and go to the part where I mention the number '13.'
After? Well, sit back, have some whiskey, and enjoy my book saga, 'The Cruelty of Witches.' It's fun for the whole family. Just remember one thing when the number starts taking over-
Stay alive.
مَــاذَا سَــيَحدُث لـكَ إنْ كُنـتَ لا تَـعلم إذ كُـنتَ فـَتى أم فَـتاة؟
فَـتاة في الثانية والعشرون ،معزولة عن العَـالم بـآسرهِ، لا تَـعلم حقيقتها .
عَـاشت حياتها كَـرجُـل وبقيت هكذا حتى قابلت القائد العام لقوات الدِرك الوطني السابق إلـيـسـانـدرو فـيرزاتـشـي الذي آخذها معهُ إلـى عالمهِ لـيغير حياتها.
# اليـساندرو فـيـرزاتــشي.
# تــولاي فيـنسي.