"The ceremony is necessary for you to take your place in the world."
"I have no place in the world."
Those are the words every Red Room girl has had to listen to since the day they arrive at their prison. They're drilled into your mind, your soul, your very being until you cannot deny their truth. For 14 year old Sacsha, her determination to torch her living hell has blocked the mantra from embedding itself within her skin. She is special, she knows this, the others know this, Madame B knows this. She just doesn't know how special. Red Room girls are orphans who are taken to be trained because they will not be missed. Sacsha believes her one until she hears Madame B talking to Ivan, "She is just like her mother that one, the only difference will be her unwavering loyalty to us. We will start with the electric chair for her memories tomorrow, we will need her skill set against Natalia. After all, what mother can kill her own daughter?" Sacsha is done being their pet. She will escape, tonight.