Yes, I play rec room and I'm making a fan-made quest about what I predict the final quest will be about, so the storyline is, jumbotron makes a device to brainwash dumb people to make them Do what he say's, he decides to use it on goblins to not only portray there king, but to also take over rec room, he also uses some other devices to not only brainwash the strongest of creatures but also to mechanise them into becoming stronger, after all of that his plan succeeds and rec room is taken over by goblin's, the last few player's (you and your friends) manage to take whatever they can find and get out of there, they decide to start at the isle of lost skulls (now called isle of lost memories), they encounter a giant octopus-like creature defending the ship, they manage to take it down and claim the ship, they use the ship to sail to Dracula's castle (crescendo) and try to find something there, they find a chip which they think they could translate into a map to where jumbotron is hiding, but a mechanised goblin stops them from stepping outside, they take down the mechanised goblin and make there way to the rise of jumbotron, they find a machine to translate the chip but jumbotrons son (jumbo JR) stops them and once again, they take him down, they find out that jumbotron is hiding at golden trophy castle, they make there way there and right before they walk up the stairs, a robot version of the goblins king stops them and I cannot stress this enough, they take it down, the they travel to the top of the tower where jumbotron is waiting and ready to fight them (thought I could mention, jumbotron was upgraded so then he wasn't just a giant computer screen, but rather a computer screen with a robotic body)
Waking up in the body of a 6-year-old boy a few years before Cintra is destroyed, Madara receives a system that gives him the ability to gain the powers of Uchiha Madara.
[The peak of Uchiha Madara's system is before he becomes the ten-tails jinchuuriki.]