Every College have Queen Bees, so did Lorendel, just that they weren't called Queen Bees but Princes, The Hen Princes
The Charming Prince, Victoria Hensley who has a crush on Daniel Nicolleat, the lead vocalist of the hottest boy band thieves
The Ice Prince, Nancy Henderson who has a crush on the town's playboy, Taylor James
The Deville Prince, Misaki Hendrick who has a boyfriend who is a... crossdresser? and is... GAY??
"now everyone thinks I m your gf" Victoria was mad to the point of exploding
"didn't you say you have a crush on me? so shouldn't you be happy?" Daniel teased with a smirk
"but it's a lie" Victoria wanted to kill this guy then kill herself
"then how about we make it true? Prince Charming, will you be my gf?"
"who would have thought that the Ice Prince was actually such a cutie" Taylor was having the time of his life
"well.." Nancy was flustered, she couldn't meet his eyes
"playboy!" this was all that she could spat out, though she may look clam and her voice may sound indifferent, the tip of her ears which were now a deep shade of red gave it away
"actually a gentleman" he closed the distance between them, leaving no room for escape
"That belongs only to you, your highness" Taylor whispered into her ears, making it even more red
"I might have like guys but now I like you, the you who is a girl, the you who have made me head over heels for you" his eyes bored into hers
"but.. your sexuality.."Misaki was afraid that in the end he would leave her telling her it was just a phase or that he might have misunderstood his feelings
"I am totally straight for you" usually it would be I am gay for you but here the situation was slightly different
"but-"before she could say anything, his lips crashed into hers
"Am I crazy or falling in love?
or is it just another crush? "
follow our girls journey of falling in love