'How much blood has been spilled in the ocean, but it's still shining?'
He thought while being in the middle of the ocean around all the chaos, the sound of artillery, and the smell of gunpowder that surrounded the place.
Suddenly all turned black, it was just a nightmare? Or it was true?
All are selected by destiny...
We can actually change if that's what we want, but everyone has a purpose in this life even if it's not significant.
That's the case for our protagonist, Y/N, a well-recognized Commander who has been serving the Navy since a long time ago and is ready to do everything at his hands to stop the Sirens from conquering the oceans.
Joining to Azur Lane as the only Commander, he will be guiding different fleets full of ships through countless battles around the oceans of the world fighting the Sirens.
Ships created by an unknown material called, Wisdom Cubes.
They are alive, ships like Enterprise, Belfast, and even the mighty Bismarck are now real and all of them are ready to give it all against this mysterious enemy.
Will he be able to defeat these enemies to fulfill not only his destiny, but also his duty as the Commander? Will he have to sacrifice what he most loves in order to make the world peaceful once again?
Whatever happens, Y/N always reminds the words.
Live With Glory.
"Not one step back!"
-Admiral of the Fleet Bernard York Lancaster, 2102
Humanity has endured countless calamities in the 21st century, and the transition was only more chaotic. The invasion of the alien species commonly known as "Sirens" [Sirena Alienus] has ushered in a new age; an age of great sacrifice and equally grand valor.
While the invasion of the Sirens has united the world in a shared goal ― one of banishing these aliens who do not belong ― and prevented the unfurling of the Third world war, it destroyed countless cities, destroyed international communication, and killed and starved millions.
The Sovereign-class of fast battleships were designed as flagships from the beginning. The design and construction of the lead ship of the class ― UNS Sovereign ― was finished incredibly fast; laid down on the 3rd of March 2099 and commissioned 1st of November 2100.
After three years of dutiful service and countless battles, the Sovereign finally met its match and was left with only one option ― self-destruction.
And with only a mere press of a button, the pride of humanity and the Human-Siren war were ended ― Sirens forced to retreat to wherever they came from and the Sovereign erased from the surface of the Earth, only remembered through models, photos, and fond memories.
But its service has not come to an end, merely continued...
...in a familiar, yet distant world.
How will he influence the fate of this unknown world? How will the organization known as Azur Lane react? What will he find? ― Friends? Enemies? Comrades? Or perhaps, something more...
[Disclaimer: Major Character Death]
[Disclaimer: Explicit Content]
[Disclaimer: Graphic Depiction of Violence]