Nit picked out of my tons of Poetry filled notebooks for their philosophical ponderings, HOWEVER, the first one in this collection is from one i wrote on the day of this publication! The poems in this collection center around philosophical ponderings such as: Fakeness, The Past in comparison to The Present, Isolation, Choices you make in life, How you are living your life, Happiness, and being in a state of perpetual paralysis.
I hope you enjoy! :)
(I MAY or may not just add more philosophical poems to this collection instead of posting more philosophical collations.
ALSO, if you are still reading this here, I want to pose to you a question that I'd like you to answer on the last poem-<or whichever poem you want-doesn't matter, but it would be cool to keep them all in one place>
The question is: Would you read a collection of poems titled: "Poems with fatalistic mentionings/The End of The World/Day of Reckoning is near"-and if you want to go further, give a why.
I'm curious to know, as I've got a couple that mention and go into that sort of thing.)