What would the Harry Potter series be like if Harry were gay? From Harry crushing on Cedric in 4th year, to Draco confessing his love at the Battle of Hogwarts, you'll be asking yourself why this isn't cannon! Let's look back at the books, year by year, to see what would be different If Harry Potter Were Gay: he would discover his sexuality during his Hogwarts years, he would worry about it getting out and having to tell his friends, and, as we all know, He Would Love Draco Malfoy. But how can they a Death Eater and 'The Chosen One' be together? What if 'the boy who made all the wrong choices' made a different choice? Is it possible for Harry and Draco to create a future for themselves or will their past hold them back? COMING SOON! This story will be released all at once. (But there will be a sequel titled "He would love Draco Malfoy" that continues the story from right where this one leaves off) MAJOR SPOILERS for all main 7 Harry Potter books. *Art doesn't belong to me! Credit to the artist. All characters and world belong to J.K. Rowling. All normal text (not underlined) is my own writing and ideas.All Rights Reserved