"So, we meet again, Dishwasher," he said with his signature smirk.
She craned her neck to meet his eyes. It was honestly hilarious. She looked like she could've been staring at the ceiling at that point, sitting down trying to look a giant in the eyes.
"How awfully misogynistic of you to say that, Tsukishima Kei."
"My my, aren't you awfully spicy," he murmured.
"There's no reason for your saltiness to be stealing the show," she responded. "Pepper balances out salt, so I can keep that ego of yours in check."
"You know," he chuckled smugly. "I personally prefer my eggs with salt and pepper. It's quite the iconic combination if you ask me."
Yue is a perfectionist by nature, ambitious and firey. She was everything he wasn't. How is it, then, that when she and Tsukishima Kei met each other when they least expected it, a bond between them formed?
!! mild language !!
* i do not claim any of the characters except oc as mine
** this is an au so the characters and their personalities will remain the same, other details may change
*** don't ask me if i know what i'm doing, idk either
started: 7/14/2020