After you were born your father left you and your mother alone. your mother worked three jobs to make money to keep you happy when your birthday came up you told her you didn't want anything from her. at school everyone would bully you except a green haired boy. you loved heroes and someday you wanted to be one, just like your bff uraraka who wanted to become a hero to make money to give to your mother but that all changed when you got your quirk your mother kicked you out of the house she was ashamed of you. uraraka offered to let you stay with her but you declined kindly when you turned 12 you started working at your local grocery store but that soon ended when they got a new policy saying only 15 and older can work there. so you were back on the streets until the pro heroes eraser head and present mic took you in as their own Now that your 21, your working at ua as aizawa's assistantAll Rights Reserved