What if the Phantom had a daughter?
What if he didn't know?
What if they meet?
The Phantom was minding his own business when a family of three strolled into his opera house. One of them sticks out. She looks nothing like her family, acts nothing like her family, and wants nothing to do with her family.
What happens when a connection is made? A whole new chapter, heck, a whole new book in this girls life. The life she's always wanted.
But will the Phantom's new found fascination with the chorus girl Christine Da'ae get in the way?
Read to find out!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Phantom of the Opera characters, content, music, or score. I do not own any Love Never Dies characters, content, or music. I only own characters that I make up along the way!
This story starts off before POTO begins, follows the events of POTO, follows the events of LND, and continues on after LND.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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