In a world where forbidden love tests the boundaries of mortal existence, the enchanting tale of Clerion Collins unfolds. Alyana Rios, a celebrated model, finds herself drawn to the enigmatic allure of Clerion, a vampire who defies the conventions of her reality. Their connection transcends societal norms, as Alyana's heart yearns for him despite their contrasting natures.
Alyana and her mother embark on a poignant journey to Mandaue City in Cebu, where her estranged father, Andrue, resides. Little do they know that their arrival will set in motion a chain of extraordinary events. Amidst the echoes of whispered rumors that threaten Alyana's reputation and jeopardize her existence, she finds herself ensnared in a tangled web of circumstances, compelling her to remain trapped in her provincial refuge.
During her darkest moments of solitude and uncertainty, a mysterious figure emerges, breathing life into her desolate existence. Their encounter unravels a series of secrets entwined with Alyana's ancestral heritage, ushering her into a world of mystique and enigma.
As Alyana delves deeper into her family's hidden past, she unearths a mesmerizing mystery that has bound their bloodlines for generations. Her quest for truth entangles her in a perilous dance between loyalty and betrayal, ultimately leading her on a path of self-discovery and transformation.
- The cover background photo is sourced from Pinterest, credited to Ikemen Vincent Van Gogh. All rights and credits belong to the original owner(s).
- "Enamored by Darkness: The Chronicles of Clerion Collins" is a work of fiction created collaboratively by Penoftragicaldeath (August 2020), Writero2004 (January 2021), HaveYouSeenMitsuwi (June 2021), and r4mozart (August 2022).
On her 18th birthday, Claret finds out that her destiny is to be a healer in Nemetio Spiran, a vampire world where all is not as it seems.
All her life, Claret had always been told that her future held things far bigger than she could ever imagine. Finally, on her 18th birthday, she gets a glimpse into what her destiny holds. Whisked into a vampire world through a mysterious old mirror, Claret discovers she is one of the chosen ones, selected for her healing powers. When she befriends a vampire who was wrongly accused of murdering a king, she sets out to make things right. However, her good deed isn't without complications when she finds that it may get in the way of her being matched with a prince...