The story is about the boy Named Fredric and a girl named Agi. It's a very long story with many twist and also has one mystery to solve. Fredric will be challenge to find out the what's the truth between lies.
I wrote this story last few years ago in a notebook which I lost but since I'm the writer of this story I still remember it and I just want to share it to all of the readers like you. By the way I didn't have time to rearrange all my writing I didn't know that Wattpad wouldn't accept ms word documents so I just simply copy and paste it from word. and I also have so many wrong grammar in the story I just want to write what's in my mind. If you saw one just tell it to me and I will immediately correct it for you.
This story has 20+ chapters and a second book I will be uploading 1 or more chapter per week if I can. Enjoy :D
Ps. If you can draw I would like to ask for Illustrations that you could made from the story even just a sketch just upload it any in any site that shows picture to public then comment the link don't worry I'll make sure I'll put your copyright on it thank you.