If i tell you the plot, you might say its cheesy so heres a dialogue instead: "Look, Zane" I said while looking at him, he looks down at me with a worried expression. "I don't know why you started minding me and all and I'm really grateful for it but please don't play these games with me" I said as Zane raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asks as I take a breathe in and then stand up. "What I mean is I don't wanna be one of those people you, you know" I said not wanting to say he's a player. "A what? Rose" He says with a irritated look as i gulp. "I don't wanna be played" I quietly said while looking down. "Wow" He said as I look up at him. He looks at me sadly while putting his hands on his pocket. "So just because I say hi, wave at you, chat you, and help you" He starts while looking dissapointed at me "I'm playing with you?" He asks while frowning. I stay silent as i gripped my science book. "What if I'm just making friends?" He asks as I look at him "What if I just wanted to talk and see how you were after you got in the side by a man who was obviously at fault" He adds with hand gestures. "What if I just wanted to befriend someone since it's our senior year" He says as I stood there silently "I know we did it and all but I just wanted to make friends. That's it" He said while frowning. "I'm S-sorry" I stuttered out while Zane just frowns at me "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" I said as Zane walks towards me while i keep my gaze on the floor. "If you're really sorry" He starts while I look up at him "You'll let me drive you home" He finishes as I look down again.