Jinmi has an older sister but no one knows except for Zifen, The Floral Goddess and the floral realm. Everyone thought Jinmi was an only child but secretly she has a sister, Renxi. Renxi grew up without parents. She was treated as an outcast but she was really good with her powers. She is the second strongest of the floral realm right behind her mother. Obviously, Jinmi didn't know she had a sister so she always wondered why her and Renxi looked alike. They were similar in so many ways but Renxi was always serious while Jinmi was a cute goof. Renxi sadly deals with mental health issues that are so strong. She always wants to be alone with no one because that's what she was used to growing up. Somehow they both took the Yun Elixir at birth. One day Renxi and everyone else found out that she was the first daughter of The Floral Goddess, the daughter of the Water immortal. It brought total shock ness to everyone, some more than others. The story is mine but I do not own the characters except for Renxi. All of the other characters are from the show ASHES OF LOVE. There are also related class conflicts of the show in here as well.