Avengers: Divided We Fall
27 Bagian Lengkap DewasaDespite their best efforts to regain the trust of the world, the Avengers are still met with criticism. With every move they make under close scrutiny, they find themselves treading lightly to avoid more incidents akin to Ultron and the tragedy of Sokovia. When a new team of superheroes is entangled in disaster and an Avengers mission goes wrong, the government steps in with new legislation that would force all superheroes to register, and be overseen, by the government.
Eager to right the wrongs of his past, Tony Stark is quick to join the government's efforts, believing that oversight will ensure that more disasters do not happen at the hands of the Avengers or any other super-powered individuals. In opposition of this is Steve Rogers, who believes that government oversight would enable politicians to decide who the villains are, forcing superheroes to become nothing more than political pawns.
When the King of Wakanda is assassinated and Steve's old friend turned enemy, Winter Soldier, is implicated things become even more complicated.
Forced to choose a side in a civil war, Dean Allen can't stop thinking about a far greater threat that lurks.
Please note that this is an installment in an ongoing series. Reading out of order may cause confusion. The reading order for the series is:
-Avengers: Some Assembly Required
-Love You to Asgard and Back
-Eternal Night
-Avengers: Peace in Our Time
-Avengers: More Than a Mortal
-Fantastic Four
-Avengers: Divided We Fall
-Asgardian Twilight
-Avengers: Destiny Arrives
-Captain America: Love in a Time of Loss
-Avengers: Whatever It Takes
-Avengers: A Wedding At Last
-Avengers: Vengeance
-Avengers: A Darker Shade of Scarlet