A thick smoke poured out of the burning village overcoming the sweet smelling mist of The Glen. A dark and loonely castle, ivy crawling up its once mighty walls, loomed on the horizon, far aboove the destruction in the valley below, unaffected.
The burning smell reached me lungs, edging me on, away from the havoc in the valley and the evil that now reeked from this place.
I turned away, the pounding in me chest and the knots in me stomach making it all the more difficult to breathe, and scrambled for footing on the slippery ground. As i reached the edge of the glen i allowed meself one glimpse back ta the only world i ever knew, a lone tear slipping down me cheek.
A dark silhouette stood by the castle, gazing at the massacre below.
The lightning flashed, illuminating his wicked grin.
I narrowed my eyes.
I had caused this battle, but one day. I would finish the war.