Haylee has spent her eight years of life in the orphanage of the lost. She had no hope of adoption because trouble just follows her. Or does it? She has always wanted a family to adopt her since the age of 3. As the middle child she doesn't have high possibilities of adoption. Or because there are 20 kids in the orphanage. On her birthday each year she knew that it just means she is farther away from adoption. Haylee always wished to be in Auradon, but she knew people who came to adopt always chooses the kids from 2 to 6 years old. 7 at the oldest. No one wants the kids from 8 to 16. Last year she almost got adopted.Haylee was 8 at the time and was happy that she will be going to a new home. The first time Ellie was adopted, while the second time she almost got chosen but, that person chose Christina instead. They left for a better life around a year ago. She was left there and had longed for someone to adopt her before she was 10 years old. Haylee was cursed when she was born. The curse said if she have found someone who will love her as their own then the villains can't come though the secret door and the curse will be lifted, but if on her 10th birthday she hasn't found people who will love her, villains will roam free in Auradon. But, there's a catch, the person who adopts her can't be her parents or any relatives of her. It has to be someone who she is not related to before adoption. The curse will be lifted right after her parents show they love her.
Read on to find out if Haylee will discover being adopted by heroes will be easier than she thought? Will her curse be lifted? Who would adopt her? What would happen when she becomes a princess? What would her life be like after the adoption?
*Takes place five years after Descendants 2, so the barrier is still up, but Uma and Mal are no longer enemies.* marked as completed until i can figure out what to write.