#1 Educate your customers The increase in the amount of knowledge the current generation is trying to acquire is beyond charts. Every institution is vying to make their customers know more about their product and services thorugh different mediums. #2 Employee Engagement People are no longer blindly believing in adverts. It is important that they hear positive things about it from people around them, so that they can trust your brand. Who else is going to start a positive word of mouth about your product or service, if not your employees? #3 Go full funnel on your content marketing Content marketing provides the greatest benefit as it helps the entire purchaser's path, from the top of the funnel, through conversion, through sales, by promoting the success of that customer as a consumer and by making them a cheerleader for your brand. #4 Use attribution modelling to invest your marketing dollars wisely Understanding the channels and campaigns that truly drive success should be core to a digital marketing strategy. #5 Optimize SEO click through rates We must get people's attention on search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive them to click our content instead of the other results. #6 Certifications Digital marketing certificates will provide you with better knowledge to take on the challenging times! #7 Webinars Conduct webinars to spread brand awareness. #8 Identify pain points of your customers This is the time you will have most amount of data on your customers. #9 Apply content intelligence Apply fresh new tools for your online presence and make the most of it. #10 Develop Social Influencer Network Now is the time to make most impact on the people via influencers. The activity time online has increased since lockdowns. E.g. promoting Digital marketing certificates #11 Focus on Visuals Good visual content is always attractive and gets more impressions. #12 Personalization Use CRM tools to interact more with your customers and personalize the experience.Alle Rechte vorbehalten