Synopsis: Selenne (Bulan) is an immortal who cannot love a mortal. But he already fell in love with a mortal. She's such a goddess and a powerful woman from the moon. The man Sirus is her true love. For almost 700 years she waited for her true love.700 years have passed and she found the man she has been looking for so long. Ciro is a famous writer, artist, and college student only. He's a good man and a son. Selenne believes that Ciro is the reincarnation of his true love (Sirus). Because they've so many similarities. Ciro and Sirus are just the same faces and habits. They are so similar. And their love story will begin again. The man Ciro will fall in love with Selenne(Bulan). There are so many against them, against their relationship. But destiny is playful because it doesn't let them be separated. This story will show the test of love. Until where you give up. If you can still fight for him/her? So you know beyond your happiness there is a replacement for pain. Read the whole story of Selenne... THANK YOU! ©️All Rights Reserve 2020 -GieGiesssAll Rights Reserved
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