Frank woke up one morning tired as usual. He had his morning coffee while reading the paper. His wife Arlene stumbled in the room higher than wiz kalifa in a plane. He saw her and frowned "why do you do this Arlene?" She turned around and muttered "why not? You peice of useless grape juice". Frank began to weep into his coffee and Arlene splashed it in his face wich made him scream with pain. "Ow! Arlene!" He sobbed as she shoved a fork in is toast and are it in front of him. Arlene left for work as usual and left frank to sit alone and sob...the next morning frank awoke early and went to the garage and removed the brakes from the car. When Arlene awoke from her slumber she got in her car for work. Frank never saw her again and enjoyed his peace and quiet.Bảo Lưu Mọi Quyền
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