Title: Love Conquers All
Set at year of 2020, Sana Minatozaki a cheerful girl dreams to study in the royal school, Jo San Royal School. But instead of getting in, she got a job as a royal maid instead. She got assigned to the arrogant Prince Suho. Sana's dead brother, Toya was Suho's beloved and favorite bodyguard.
He died for his love with Mongolian Princess Ayeesha.
In Sana's arrival at the palace, Prince Suho found love in her. Will their love conquers all?
Sana Minatozaki- a cheerful girl lives in a seaside of Jeju and the younger sister of Toya. She dreams to study in the royal school of Josan. But instead she got hired as a maid instead. She is assigned to Prince Suho. Before she worked at the palace she met Suho's half brother Prince Hyesung.
Prince Suho- the country's crown prince, as a child he grew up in the cold environment of the palace. When he was a child, he was warmhearted. But after the death of his beloved bodyguard, he became cold and despises the palace. The arrival of his former bodyguard's sister made his world a wonderful place once again.
Prince Hyeseong- Prince Suho's paternal half brother, the dowager prince. In one faithful day, he got drowned in the sea of Jeju. Sana saved him and from then on he started to like her. Compare to his older brother, he is a shy and warmhearted guy.
Trivia: This story was made when I was a high school freshman! :)14 years after
Fate Brought Us Together (Until We Meet Again sequel)
15 parts Complete Mature
15 parts
"Hey guys, this is my other bestfriend. She's more behaved and feminine compared to my other bestfriend" Mina said as the others all laughed. Momo was about say something not so nice to Mina until she locked eyes with the new girl.
Momo thinks the girl looks familiar, she thinks that she has seen her before. "Maybe in one of her prettiest dreams?" She thought.
"Oh god, she's so pretty. Is she a goddess?" Momo thought to herself. Everyone looked at her and Mina was face-palming.
"I did not say it out loud, did I?" Momo asked them which made them mouth "baka".
"Yes you did and thank you. You're prettier actually" Momo thought she's in heaven. The new girl's voice is so pretty and cute. It's calming. Her heart flutters and beats so fast.
The new girl gestured her hand for a hand shake and smiled. Momo swore, it was the prettiest smile she has ever seen.
"My name is Sana, Minatozaki Sana"
Please don't read this if you haven't read "Until We Meet Again" https://my.w.tt/oWlxcHKIccb yet.