The Blood of Holy Spring is a book that is written by an Indonesian who always stands with Kashmir. He writes this book as his dedication to support Kashmir and the people of Kashmir to fight for their freedom.
Kashmir is a disputed region between India and Pakistan, which has vitiated the political environment of the Indian Subcontinent. The Kashmir issue stands as a debacle for nearly six decades and there has been almost no progress in resolving the problem.
With the lapse of time, Pakistan has shown tendencies towards Military Rule and autocratic governance. On several occasions, India has alleged that Pakistan has sponsored the different terrorist organizations in Kashmir. Moreover, India holds Pakistan responsible for several devastating terrorist attacks directed against India. On the other hand, Pakistan affirmatively sticks to its policy of extending 'moral support' to the separatists in Kashmir. In such a state of affair, the common Kashmiris are suffering most. The innocent people are being victimized by baneful separatist propaganda. Confrontations between Indian military and armed separatists have caused huge loss of property, money, and lives so far.
So, the writer himself stands to against this violence that happens in Kashmir in almost every single day. He could only do this as his voice to stand with the people of Kashmir.
New ranking updates:
• Most impressive #kashmir rank 7: February 17, 2021
• Most impressive #poems rank 41: February 17, 2021
• Most impressive #terrorism rank 12: February 17, 2021
• Most impressive #poems rank 71: Februay 17, 2021
New ranking updates:
• Most impressive #occupation rank 1: February 10, 2021
• Most impressive #poems rank 41: February 17, 2021
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race." -Dead Poets Society
I'm a 17 y/o (Started this when I was 15) just wanting to share some of my poetry with people other than my friends :]
(Also feel free to comment any tips and how I could improve on my writing!)