says it in the title.
but, ill try.
barry, wanted to test his run again, but he went too fast, that he went to another earth, earth 38. the earth that you know, supergirls.
kara, she was in cat-co, working. a former worker, she didn't know she had a power, she went to cat-co, she saw kara, so, you knwo what happens, blah blah, barry saves her...
ill let ya know what you think of this description...
I do not own any characters
I have other stories to finish, I know. I've been busy but wanted to get the stories I have in mind down, as the one of SuperFlash and then SuperArrow, yeah!
enjoy the description, and the story once I have written and all that.
thank you, and again enjoy.
vote and comment, what you think.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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