Star is an angel. She killed herself from an overdose on pills. Well, now she is in heaven. She's training to become a Guardian Angel. God said she has a lot of potential. She doesn't believe it. Unlike all the other angels, Star's wings are tiny and barely let her fly. This is because she is a new angel. A fledgling. She so desperately wants to become like all the other angels, so she begins training. However, she already has a mortal to watch over! Her cheating boyfriend. Great. Star is not pleased to watch over HIM, but she must. I mean, it seems easy. His life isn't eventful, but it quickly becomes just that! Demons, or spawns, of the Dark Underground are out to kill him! It's fight or flight for Star and her friends. Can she save him? Will she become a guardian angel? ~~~ Well, this book might suck! And also, sorry if you aren't Christian or don't believe in God. Instead of hating, why don't you read another book? Thanks!