Boredom, Desire to escape, Lonliness, undeniably great imagination and... that line; all lead two to find one another. That... That, connects them.
That white line on the sidewalk, that one line leads to many destinations.
Who wouldve ever thought, it would create something so nice, that would want to be protected by who sees it. Something that was new yet normal, a connection that was rarely seen in the modern human life, some say it would come from a cliché disney movie.
Yongsun, known for being outgoing yet very airheaded and clumsy in school. Very talkative, mainly nonsense, no one really asks what goes on in her mind. She was weird, everyone knew that, though she thought it was alot more fun than being normal.
Moonbyul, the popular kid, too popular, The reason? She doesnt know it either. All she's ever done is sit and read. Never talked, never interested in anything. The type of person that is always by herself, who knew she'd be one of the schools center of attention.
Two completely different people, yet so similar..
"Doesnt she..? Look like.. Thats.. crazy."
Moonbyul is a senior highschool student, has a deep interest in arts, a playgirl who plays with both girls and guys, but mostly girls. Never been able to find love, always saying, "Love isnt real, its just some belief that people made up to thinking theres such a thing"
Until she saw this one familiar looking girl. A transfer student in the name of Kim Yongsun. She reminded her of someone.. but cant put a finger on it.
"I'll make you fall in love. Just you wait"
"Ohh im scared~"