You recently met Avery at the train station as he was going to the 'Isle Of Armor', and you were pretty intrigued about him. The first thing you saw was that he was "...quite elegant indeed!", and second, his looks. He wasn't head-over-heels, but he would definitely turn heads. Your mother gave you an Armor Pass, and you were more than thrilled. You didn't have a Pokemon, and had always really wanted one. But you would need one to go to the Isle Of Armor, so you decided to bring your Muchlax. Not to battle, but to seem like you would use him for that. You are 16, and are called Ava.
(Pls go check out my other story, The Pterolycus. And go check out my friend's too! Here username is RoseConey9 and her story is called Rain Drops. And yes, it is spelt with the space in it. Thank u!! Pls enjoy!!)