March 17, 4026.
21 years ago the prophecy of the Romans was declared as a law by the government due to pleasure.
That was 2 years after the whole country calamity. People barely survived, not even my mother. She died for the sake of this
mad country I tried stopping her, but I could barely reach out my fingers to touch her and deliver her the message that I'm alright,
that the legionaries didn't try to kill me. But the worst part of it. She thought I was dead, she died because she think I did. Now that
will live on with my soul for as long as I'm alive. I hope not.
I never adored Armenia. Ever since I was a little kid I always thought that I was cursed for living here. But as I reached the age of twelve,
I made exceptions. I started to write my country's name as my own. But that doesn't change the sick perspective I look out on the world.
And I'm afraid it never will.