It took a parcel, seven blank sheets, a piece of a broken chain and a search of him to make her the one of the greatest of minds. She wasn't the only one in search, in search of him. Their were some, very few, in millions probably keeping a watch every now and then in the whole of Asia. They knew his presence in Asia and unlike her were ready to kill him if they ever found out. He did know of her existence, knew she would come, she had to. But a small parcel sent from The Sahara and everything changes. They are to meet, and they shall but how. Just a simple band from the father they never knew existed. But there were two parcels, each to be delivered to one. 14 blank sheets, two pieces of the band designed to be broken and a wrong person for the box to be delivered. And here goes the mess. He never knew what fate bought him. The parcel was not like any other his university would send neither would his students but a peek in the hole and what awaited for him was The black hole. And who would have assumed a mistake, hundred confusions, thousand hours and million of reasons for two people never related to meet. And their meeting created a new hindrance, a hindrance in history. After her confusions and the beginning of her journey, a street in London complete and the whole world to go.All Rights Reserved
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