14 parts Complete MatureOne fandom versus another fandom not too happy about the two legends that come to be. Yet, their passionate love affairs that keep going back and forth, has hit an all time low. First, Rion fought hard for her boo thang, but the lady killer could not beat his she wolves off with an ugly stick. They stalked him and his love life. Second, he saw too many of his so called homies making a play for his heartbreak that came during a full moon. The plot thickens and the two legends got caught up in that egotistical and dangerous zone known as trifling. Too embarrassed to try to find their way back , they found love in a strange place for a second, third, & fourth time. Breezy, will forever keep her in his heart, but will she and her known soulmate lose both their souls.
© copyright will be enforced ® restricted and put in mature audience
some stories are allowed to be similar, but not word for word, which is plagiarism. They found love on a two way street, but lost it on a lonely highway
Making love makes babies, we all came from love . If you can't be with the one you love than love the one you with.