This story starts years ago, too many long years ago, even before the Earth was known as the way we right now are doing, at the origins of the first human society to be exact, this planet has being analized and studied, realizing out the potential of this planet, two kinds of creatures are the watchers and this two millenary races have been fighting a war for a many years ago and came to Earth because is an strategic place full of resources and the idea of start a campain on this new planet are on the table, cause this is about a convenient settling point on the solar system. They are; The Kamis and the Tenshi, who were beings of conceited and evil behavior. The other one are the Onis and the Akuma, who were powerful and got some violent tendencies, they began to involve the humankind on their fight and even they used to experiment with the physically fittest to made an upgrade on this all new meta-humans... Some years later in our modern age, this story will get focus on the life of a girl from a common familly, on the socioeconomically way, they have two girls, two sisters who was going to the highschool in her second grade, but they will learn one of the most aweful lifelessons, something the school doesn't teach you: The life isn't fair, they not fair at all, How? Apparently some thugs has killed her older sister, filling her life of pain and sadnes and because of that, her family integrity went to get dump, but when a door closes a window get open, that window are the call and that call came from, The St. Michael's Convent (and that will bring more issues) for our protagonic: Nanase Anzumi.