This series has a few stories based around the Doctor Who spin-off Class from the perspective of Matteusz Andrzejewski. 1: Before Class; Matteusz meets a new student and quickly develops a crush, but can he find the right moment to ask him to the autumn prom... 2: Autumn Prom; Matteusz and Charlie go to the autumn prom and Matteusz discovers the truth behind his date... 3: Grounded; Matteusz' parents ground him after the prom but he still needs to talk to Charlie... 4: Being Thrown Out, Matteusz' parents throw him out, and then there was an alien invasion, what happens next... 5: The Gun At His Head; Matteusz has to watch as Charlie tries to use the cabinet, is it vengeance or survival he is aiming for, and what is Quill going to do... 6.1: The Trip Part One; Matteusz and Charlie go on a trip to Edinburgh and try to not talk about alien invasions... 6.2: The Trip Part Two; The group (minus Quill obviously) meet in a café but certain bonds seem frayed. 6.3: The Trip Part Three; A fun trip to Edinburgh castle leads to unwanted memories being dragged up.
8 parts