I could love you as no other has, in a way you'll always crave, be the lover of your dreams - just know that I can have my independence too. If I need to walk away, if I ever become less than your romantic love, less than the one you touch with excitement and joy, less than the one who's voice you feel soothed by, the one you long to walk next to, then I will. It feels these days that there are no standards for boyfriends or husbands - anything goes it seems. Not for true lovers though, the poetic kind who love with the soul, for them there are standards. For them there is a bond beyond marriage, beyond mortality, beyond reason. So be my lover for always, be my poem, my heart song, the one I long to touch and keep safe. The one believes in standing together, protecting each other, in the real meaning of love, accepting the costs.All Rights Reserved
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