Yeah, I love nature. Though, my poetries are not that good, still they express some emotions. A deep thought was kept in mind while writing those. And I swear, I wrote all of them under the oldest tree in my backyard - that gives a feel, u know!
Nevertheless, my poetries, too (like my stories), are based on experiences from real life. I have faced failure, downfall, insult, bullying and what not. And most importantly, I have been through depression, though not a major one. So, these experiences, inspire me to write something which can help to overcome such situations.
And again, I am a teen so please ignore the grammatical mistakes (in the description, not in the poems, lol), if possible.
Hope you like em'.
# 286natureout of 20.3K stories
# 565teenager
# 46failure
# 83shortpoems
# 887emotional
# 14downfall
# 81bullyingawareness
# 274schoollife
# 411lovable
# 179lovepoem
# 54insults
# 309loveyourself
# 11schooltime
# 2naturelove
# 2naturepoem
# 9naturalism
# 2lifeisprecious
# 3shortpoetries