Section One: Resilience
Aang Chetri, new in town and ecstatic for his Freshman year, gains the interest of a set of twins: Katara and Sokka Atka. Unbeknownst to the twins, their new friend has a dark past that he isn't too keen on letting out of the bag. Meanwhile, Zuko Jin struggles to keep up with his father's high expectations, competition raging between him and his twin sister Azula. Zuko finds himself more alone than ever, missing his mother, and pushing away his Uncle. However, will Zuko find an unlikely ally amongst his hellish Freshman year?
Section Two: Rigidity
Sophomore year and the Atka twins have an explosive meeting at home, their life upside down. A new girl, Toph Bei-Fong, blind and small but with a fiery passion, moves into town, from a family who's riches rival that of the Jin family. Toph fights against her family's tight restraints as she becomes close to a free-spirited Aang. Zuko's journey to find himself struggles onward as conflicts come to an all time high between him and his sister.
Section Three: Divulgence
Junior year is a time of test taking, paper writing, and Prom. Feelings on the rise, Sokka is forced to confront a part of himself that he'd been long denying. Zuko has a life changing trip with his Uncle that may turn his suffocating life around. Toph and Katara comfort Aang as he finds the courage to look into his heritage. Meanwhile, Azula is left to battle herself as she wonders if she should continue to support her father, or listen to what it is that she really wants.
Section Four: Apprehension
It was a difficult ride toward Senior year, but things seemed to be entering a state of calm. The gang seemed content in their lives, but they didn't dare mention college life that steadily approached. After the struggle of highschool, did any of them really want to mention the possibility of splitting up and never seeing each other again? However, Aang, ever the optimist, kept spirits high until some catastrophic news rocks Senior year.