Witness the unfolding tale of Nicole Sarmiento, a typical teenage senior high school girl harboring grand dreams and soaring expectations, and Chris Tan, a valedictorian from his previous school now embarking on a new chapter at Saint High University. As the threads of their lives converge, poised to intertwine in the tapestry of fate, a series of unanswered questions linger in the air. What twists of destiny lie in store for Nicole and Chris as they navigate the intricacies of their intersecting paths? How will their serendipitous encounter mold the unforeseen journey that stretches ahead of them, shrouded in mystery and possibility? What captivating mysteries and transformative revelations await these two ordinary youths as they stand on the threshold of destiny's design, ready to embrace the unknown that beckons when their paths eventually cross? - I hope you enjoy delving into this story, a blend of both Tagalog and English. Dive deeper into the narrative to unravel the lives of the characters and discover what unfolds next. Sending you love and warm wishes, xoxo. Disclaimer: Please be advised that this story is entirely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.