"Wandering in the jinn-infested parts of the city looking for some undead magician is not exactly the ideal definition of simple, you know?" "Shut up and start walking." "Walking's a pain..." The war ends in a vague win against Tsubaki and his subclasses. Just when they think that peace will finally get established, the subclasses of Melancholy decide to go berserk. As the Servamp-Eve pairs find their hands full keeping them under wraps and not letting C3 do something too harsh, they receive unexpected help from unknown quarters. But is it help or something else? The person seems to attack subclasses without any hesitation, after all... Rumours. Sightings. Witnesses. Legends. Lies. An unusual street name- can is it be a warning of some kind? Why does everyone say that the being is stronger than the Servamp siblings? Might the stranger be an ally or threat? What significance does that ebony Japanese hand fan have? What does Tsubaki know that even they don't? Is the Servamp of Melancholy hiding something important... and personal?All Rights Reserved