"I Dare You Dashie to acted like you're solo!! the dare where you can't talk to anyone!!, even You're friends! you can't neither talk to you're crush, you need to acted like you're freedom in the future!" "What kind of fucking dare is that?!" "sorry Dashie Washie, but you need to finish the dare in one month!" "Ok, ok I'll do it, but after that you will receive more even harder than mine bitches! you don't know me if im angry," Fuckin' idiots, I'll show them what's my true awesomeness! and im going to accept it! Cover Book Edit By: @KyKyHaDeN Story By: @ASHA_UnFriended Road To 20 Followers! Fanfiction Nor Romance Top Rank: 6#dashie 7#mlpeqg 8#clippercrash 64#soarin 10#scitwiAll Rights Reserved