The world of Remnant is a dangerous place, particularly for man. In the countless years that humanity has roamed the planet, civilizations have grown and fallen. But four have withstood this test of time: Atlas, Mistral, Vacuo, Vale. These four Kingdoms, with the help of natural barriers and human ingenuity, have proven that they have the will to survive. They stand as beacons of hope, as safe havens from the darkness that surrounds them. They are the key to mankind's survival, as long as they stand united against the creatures of darkness, the Grimm...
The Ashlands that have consumed a large portion of the Earth is an even more dangerous place, especially for those that came before it. In just a decade alone, the Ash had mutated the already looming threat that was the Aragami and consumed the entire surface of the known world, forcing humanity underground in large, city-sized ports to await extinction. Through the same human ingenuity as their Remnant counterparts, the people of the portshad created the Adaptive God Eater, or AGE: Human-Aragami hybrids that are able to roam the Ashlands for prolong periods of time, compared to a normal person. But even with the development of AGEs, the Ashlands have given birth to even more monstrous creatures, the Ashborn, and their biggest threat yet: the Ashwrought. Despite the threat, humanity still stands firmly united.
As the four kingdoms serve as a beacon of light for Remnant, the ports of the Ashlands serve as a flickering light in a sea of darkness, ready to extinguish at any moment. Thus, begins our tale...
A Rose and That one guy (Ruby Rose X Male reader Volume 1)
11 parts Complete
11 parts
You're a fan of RWBY but unfortunately, so is this guy who bullies you. One day, an inexpiable accident in the space time continuum leaves god with no choice but to cross you two over into the world of Remnant . There you will find a life of adventure, danger, and romance. That is, if the bully doesn't decide to take it all away from you.
I obviously don't own RWBY or any characters besides the MC or any other OCs I make along the way.