I decided after reading many fan fiction that it would be a cool idea for me to write what I would imagine Avengers 5 would be like. I'm going to write it in sectors. So there will be periods of wait between the next part as I'm still yet to finish the actually story, really hope you enjoy 🥰🇺🇸 Descpriton: Thor and Jane are getting married but not everything is happy, Tony's death still lingers in the air and a surprising new plot twist about the life of Natasha Romanoff, sends a crack around some of the other avengers relationships. Bucky is having a hard time adjusting and hiding a secret about him not even Steve knows that is killing him silently. However a return of a character sets the perfect setting in which the avengers now as a massive cohesive group must work together. With the addition of 2 new avengers . While battling their own wars between each other. Peter Parker now having his identity revelled seeks advice from a well know face. Allowing a reunion of which creates emotional sparks all around. Will the avengers be able to stay together so they can fight as one, or will there own self disbelief and past vengeance, make them fall once again. Thank you so much for the support 💕 In memory of the great Chadwick Boseman and Stan Lee 🤍جميع الحقوق محفوظة