Campfire stories have been a tradition almost as long as fires have been around. Terrifying tales of beasts that lurk in the dark, to the simple tales with horrific ramifications, Campfire stories have so many different variations!
As a long time volunteer of camps, I've had stories I came up with to tell. These have never been written down before, so I am adding the best amount of detail I can to make it just as scary as I can!
It may not be quite as awesome as being there, but with a blanket and a flashlight, or maybe even around your own campfire, you can cozy up to some spooky tales!
Any critique is accepted, as I am sure these will not be perfect. Though, if you like it, I'd love to hear that as well!
Short stories to chill your blood! Vengeful spirits, carnivorous toddlers, haunting dreams, curses, experiments gone terribly wrong and much more! Turn the page if you dare and prepare for a scare!