My Christmas Angels is a tragic yet heartwarming Christmas story about Greg, a single father in his twenties, and Angie, his lively six-year old daughter, living in poverty in Vancouver. When they are evicted from their home, they move in with Greg's ex-girlfriend, Jessica, for whom he still has feelings. Just as their romance blossoms, Angie suffers a concussion and slips into a coma.
Riddled with grief and guilt, Greg stays at his daughter's side night and day. As the Christmas season approaches, he comes to terms with the possibility that his daughter may never wake up. He buries his grief in doing good deeds, such as cheering up Derek, a young depressed patient, but his ache grows stronger still. On Christmas Eve, Greg suffers a mental breakdown, but Jessica informs him that his action prevented the suicide of Derek, who went on to prevent the suicides of his fellow depressed patients. Uplifted, Greg takes solace in the realization that great tragedy can give birth to great blessings.
My Christmas Angels is a touching and uplifting story of hope and love that captures the spirit of the holiday season.
Sometimes life don't go the way we planned. Sometimes we end up feeling so low, and alone. Like we're in a dark hole with no one around us, but then suddenly there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
And I guess what I'm trying to say is.. You're my light, the one who helped me through the worst time in my life - And for that, I am thankful. I'm thankful that I met you, but I also hate you. I hate what you did to me, because you made me fall in love..
And then my world fell apart once again.
[WARNING!! Contains mature themes, and language