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  • reads 86
  • Stemmen 9
  • Delen 3
  • Tijd 24m
Lopende, voor het eerst gepubliceerd sep. 18, 2014
You’ll never see this girl without poise, mannerism and charisma. This girl would be nothing without these things.

No one can argue with the fact that Argentina has class.

She IS class.

And you want to know where she learned this?

Richmond High, only THE most prestigious of high schools in the country. Her friends know her for being the absolute best. For her, the sky is the limit and there’s nothing in this world that can clip this bird’s wings.

Except possibly family. Except her delinquent little sister. Who, unfortunately for Argentina, is getting shipped off to Richmond High, too.

* Jeanette (Jean, as everyone else calls her if they know what’s good for them) wants to live forever. The type of ‘adventures’ Jean is WAY into usually involve getting thrown into jail or being handed a detention on a silver platter. She thinks her parents are trying to drag her down from her ‘adventurous’ life by handing her over to her boring sister –epitome of fancy –in a boring school. All that’s pretty much expected is;



Oh, looky over there! Class again.

But what she finds there is so totally and inexorably different from what she expected that maybe (read; possibly) she might just want to stay, after all. Jean’s parents sent her to Richmond so that Argentina could teach her some manners (which, by the way, she is extremely lacking in).

No one said anything about Jean teaching Argentina how to live life for what it is and that the world won’t end if you’re not Posh.

But that’s the thing about life.

It never does what you want it to.

Amazing cover made by the incredible @_castellor
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Saving Elliot ✓ cover

Saving Elliot ✓

32 Delen Compleet

Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.