24 parts Ongoing The book follows the journey of two princesses; the elder Princess Yaksha, known for her ethereal beauty that was admired all over Hindustan, and the younger Princess Shambhavi, who was admired for her fearlessness and determination to serve her kingdom, as well as her own beauty.
The story reaches its dramatic conclusion as another dynasty rises to power in a surprising turn of events, caused by a betrayal that no one saw coming. With a war on the horizon, the kingdom finds itself at a crossroads, uncertainty and danger lurking in the shadows. The future remains uncertain, and the kingdom stands poised on the precipice of a transformation that will change its fate forever.
Shambhavi stops wiping her sword and looked up to face Tej. Her hand hung in the air and her sword positioned between the two.
He gently pushed aside the sword, taking a step closer to her. "A double edged sword"
He looked deep into her onyx colored eyes. "Sharp and dangerous, but also beautiful and captivating."
"You are the lotus that blooms after a night fire."
Shehraan gently reached out and took Yaksha's trembling hand in his, his touch soothing and reassuring. He looked at her directly, his eyes filled with love and understanding.
"Despite the devastation, the lotus not only survives but flourishes. "
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on pure fiction and everything written here is imaginary for the sake of entertainment. Therefore, it has no relations to the actual history nor do I wish to mock anyone.